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Adolescent Medicine Cabinet

Remember that most of these medicines, especially the cold remedies, will not make your child get better any faster. They should be used only if they are making your child more comfortable and are not causing bothersome side effects. If your child is not improving after a few days of being on an over the counter medicine or if he is getting worse, you should call your doctor.

OTC Medications
Over the counter medicines that you should have handy and can use under a doctor's supervision include:

Antibiotic creams for minor cuts and scratches
Moisturizers or lubricants if she has very dry skin
Cough and cold medicines - see below
Hydrogen peroxide
Pain and fever relievers - see below
Rehydration fluids
Saline nasal drops
Skin creams, including hydrocortisone cream (0.5 or 1%) or calamine lotion to be used for itchy rashes or bites.
Antifungal creams to treat ringworm
Desenex cream, spray or powder
Lamisil cream
Lotrimin AF cream, spray, powder, or lotion
Micantin creams, powder, or spray
Tinactin cream, powder, lotion or spray

Pain and Fever Relievers
Adolescents may take an acetaminophen or ibuprofen containing product for relief of pain and/or fever. You should avoid using aspirin containing products in children under sixteen years of age with chickenpox or flu symptoms because of the association with Reye syndrome.

Ibuprofen and aspirin can also be used as an anti-inflammatory medicine, to help with the pain and swelling associated with muscle sprains, etc.

Cough and Cold Preparations
Adolescents may take oral or topical decongestants, cough, cold and allergy medicines per the package recommendations.

Medications (including prescription and over the counter medicines) that include phenylpropanolamine, and should be avoided until they are reformulated.

Instead, look for decongestant and cold medications that have either pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine as an active ingredient.

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