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Safety Instructions of Gel Burner And Firegel


1. Inner Permanent Reservoir (9.5cm x 10cm): You must use this Inner Reservoir if you are burning Refill Bottles of Firegel. If you are burning 0.5L Tins of Firegel, then the Inner Reservoir should not be used.

2. Outer Safety Cup: This is the larger aluminium cup with the lip - it rests on the gelburner itself. The Inner Reservoir or Tin of Firegel is placed inside the Safety Cup. The Safety Cup is designed to catch spills of firegel (!!! see note overleaf on Spills of Firegel) and also to partially limit heat transference to the outer gelburner surfaces. You MUST NOT burn firegel directly in the Safety Cup.

3. Decorative Aluminium Burner Ring: This is designed to hide the Reservoir or Tin of Firegel when in use. The burner ring also serves to restrict the flame size.

4. Decorative Stones or Chippings: These are supplied with Firebowl designs as a design suggestion. However, you may wish to add your own choice of pebbles from a garden centre or leave the top of the gelburner undecorated. Stones etc. should be placed on the upper surface of the gelburner around the Decorative Burner Ring - care should be taken to ensure that the stones do not interrupt the flame and do not scratch or damage ceramic gelburner surfaces (see note below on restoring ceramic surfaces using nail polish remover). When adding stones etc. also remember to allow enough room for the flame snuffer to be used.


Gelburners supplied by us are designed to use a SAFETY FIRE-GEL. There are several suitable brands now in the UK (all selling 0.5L Standard Sized Tins). Retail coverage is patchy but increasing daily and you will always have the option of purchasing directly from us - although we sell 0.5L Tins we prefer to sell in Refill Bottles because this offers by far the best value to our customers. Postage is FREE and we sell at the RRP of £3.29 per Litre Bottle. Simply telephone your order or buy online at www.gelburners.co.uk . NEVER USE Lamp Oil, Petrol, Methylated Spirits, Paraffin or any other fuel in your gelburner. You run the risk of explosion and serious injury if you do so.


Although most gelburners may be used Indoors and Outdoors, the user should consider:-

a) Whether using the gelburner in either environment would lead to physical deterioration of the gelburner.
b) Whether the prevailing conditions in either environment are suitable (eg; too windy, children playing) please note that in windy conditions, the Fire-Gel will burn more quickly.
c) Whether the size of the flame is appropriate in its immediate surroundings etc.


Position your gelburner on a stable foundation - the foundation should be heat-resistant and non- flammable.

Your gelburner needs adequate ventilation and oxygen (a room should be a minimum of 40 cubic metres in size) but must not be allowed to burn indoors in a large draught. You do not need a flu or chimney to use your gelburner - our Fire-Gel burns without creating soot or smoke & the spent gases are non-toxic and almost totally odourless. Gel burners do release water vapour into the air and you may also notice that the temperature of the room increases.

Keep other flammable materials and fabrics (eg. bottles of Fire-Gel, curtains, clothing) at least 1 metre away from the gelburner. Do not lean over the gel burner and keep all bodyparts (eg. hair) well away from the flames.

Do not put your gelburner somewhere where it will be easily knocked over by guests, children or pets. Ideally, you should reposition your gelburner so that it is out of the reach of children and pets altogether. Gelburners , unless otherwise stated, are not really suitable for tabletop use - a table can be knocked easily or a tablecloth accidentally caught and pulled leading to inevitable spills of firegel. We recommend gelburners are used on hearths, in fireplaces and in corners and alcoves.

Do not move your gelburner whilst it is alight or whilst it is still warm. Allow to cool completely before moving.

Do not leave your gelburner unattended whilst it still is burning or in the company of children whilst still hot.


Condition of Gelburner & Reservoir / FireGel Tins:Before lighting, inspect the condition of your gelburner and any Gel Reservoir or Tin you intend to use. Tins sold already containing FireGel are generally designed to be thrown away (or recycled) when they have been used between 1 & 4 times (depending upon the manufacturer's instructions). This is because the seams down the side and around the edges of the Tin begin to deteriorate.

Adding Fire-Gel to Reservoirs or Empty Tins:Do not over-fill the Gel Reservoir or Tin. Always leave at least 1/2inch (1.5cm) at the top. Ensure that the reservoir is clean (Clean reservoirs after every 2 or 3 uses - dirty reservoirs reduce the quality of the flame - see cleaning notes). Do not expose FireGel or FireGel Vapour to naked flames or cigarettes whilst refilling.

!!!Spills of Fire-Gel: IMPORTANT- CLEAN UP SPILLS!!!

You MUST clean up any spills of Fire-Gel, particulary if a spill leads to Firegel penetrating under the Safety Cup and into the body of the gelburner. This is particularly important because there is a small risk that Fire-Gel spilt inside the body of the gel burner will vapourize as the body of the gelburner becomes warm. Any warm gel vapour that remains trapped inside the gel burner cavity will represent a danger - the warm gel vapour is many times more flammable that the liquid form and although the risks are extremely small, a 'flash' situation could arise if trapped vapours get too hot and suddenly ignite. To eliminate this risk altogether, clean up any splills.

Lighting Your Gelburner/FireGel (IMPORTANT: see note below on Relighting a Fire-Gel)

We recommend that you use a Long Match or Taper to light the surface of the Fire-Gel. The initial small flame will be blue and will spread very slowly across the surface of the Firegel. The flame is very difficult to see for the first few seconds, so we suggest that you remove your hand after a couple of seconds and feel (from a height of about 6 inches) whether any heat is being generated - this will indicate whether the surface of the gel has ignited. Allow 2 to 5 minutes for the flame to develop fully. The wider the Reservoir (or Tin), the larger the Flame - and the quicker the Fire-Gel will burn.

To Extinguish Your Gelburner

Either a) Using an oven glove, cover the Flame with the Lid of the Firegel Tin or b) use the snuffer supplied (on some gelburners, the snuffer doubles as the lid of the Gel burner). Allow to cool completely before removing the Tin or Reservoir from the Gelburner - or attempting to relight.

!!!Relighting Fire-Gel: IMPORTANT - TAKE CARE!!!

Allow the FireGel to cool completely before relighting. Warm Fire-Gel will IGNITE MUCH MORE QUICKLY than cool Fire-Gel. In any event, always use a Long Match or Taper to light the Fire-Gel. When the Fire-Gel is cool, for best results remove the spoiled gel that is left on the surface (it's a bit like the skin of a rice pudding) before relighting. Use a kitchen towel to do this.

Adding more Fire-Gel to the Reservoir

First allow the Gelburner and remaining Fire-Gel to cool, then remove any spoiled gel with a kitchen towel before finally adding more FireGel. DO NOT add FireGel to an already burning Tin or Reservoir.

CLEANING AND POLISHING YOUR GELBURNER:For continued safe and efficient use of your Gel burner, clean your gelburner from time to time using mild detergents and a soft cloth. DO NOT use abrasive (cleaning) materials. Remember to clean up any FireGel spills.

Permanent Reservoirs may be cleaned by filling with water and leaving to stand for 2 or 3 hours, then flushing with hot water - you may need to repeat this process once more, then scrape out and dispose of the remaining gelatinous residue using a kitchen towel.

Black Ceramic FireBowls are prone to minor scratches and scuffs - these may be removed by wiping the glaze with a solvent such as nail polish remover. The glaze will be returned to its original condition provided the gelburner has not been mistreated.


Cigarettes, candles, gelburners etc are a source of naked flame and are therefore are a major cause of household fires. We recommend that households that use such products take the following extra precautions: Keep a fireblanket and/or fire extinguisher (of the correct type) under the kitchen sink just in case. Ensure that your home is fitted with the correct number and type of smoke alarms.


Please read the directions on the side of the Firegel Bottle or Tin. These will normally indicate that medical advice should be sought as quickly as possible. The main ingredients in many firegels are Ethanol and Iso-Propanol. The FIREGEL we supply is registered on a UK national poisons database and isaccessible by NHS Direct operators.

From: gelburners.co.uk
More information, please visit the site http://www.gelburners.co.uk
Edit by Jason

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