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Overview of Lag Shield Anchor

The guide offers brief introduction and popular names for the concrete anchor fasteners. The guide is very helpful to find the right anchor fastener for your project.

Concrete Lag Shield Anchor - Medium to heavy-duty concrete fastener for block, brick and concrete

Other Popular Name

Lag shield, lag screw shields, lag screw anchor, sup-r-lags, lag screw expansion anchor, LSES, concrete and masonry anchor.

Brief Introduction

The Concrete Lag Shield Anchor is a two-part expansion shield made of zinc alloy commonly known as Zamak 5, a rust proof material. The shield comes in two lengths; short lag shield is for anchoring in high grade concrete or where thickness of base material prohibits the use of a longer length shield. The long lag shield is for use in lower grade base material or where extra anchoring strength is required. The design of the shell-like unit includes has tapered internal threads for a portion of length that permit easy turning of the screw without lubrication. The outside of the anchor has a series of circumferential ribs starting at the bottom and running for a major portion of its length. The back end of the anchor has two equally spaced ribs that protrude beyond its diameter and run for a portion of its length. Fastened objects can be easily removed after being fastened.

Common variations and misspellings: super lags, superlags

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