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Overview of Leadwood Screw Anchor

The guide offers brief introduction and popular names for the concrete anchor fasteners. The guide is very helpful to find the right anchor fastener for your project.

Concrete Leadwood Screw Anchor – Light duty concrete anchor/fastener for brick, block and concrete

Other Popular Name

Leadwood screw anchor, sup-r-lead, wood screw lead anchors, screw lead, wood screw expansion anchor, LWSA, concrete and masonry anchor.

Brief Introduction

The Leadwood Screw anchor is designed for ease of initial expansion so that it does not turn in the masonry. The majority of the length of the Leadwood Screw Anchor is split from the bottom up. A portion of its length has longitudinal ribs and the top end of the anchor tapers outward from the anchor diameter into a tubular thin section cone. The tapered design facilitates proper expansion in masonry. When installed, as the screw goes deeper into it’s anchor, the longitudinal ribs bite into the masonry and allow the screw to form its own threads without twisting.

Common variations and misspellings: Super lead, superlead, woodscrew.

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