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Features and Precautions of Magnetic Pots

Magnets can produce a magnetic field on its exclusive surface. Magnetic pots (also called Magnet pots) have a particular magnetic circuit that can concentrate or insulate magnetic power at a target space around the magnetic assembly. They are widely used in many applications to all industries,engineering and daily life.

Pot magnets are strong magnets that are developed for the current industrial needs. They made up of magnets with plastic, rubber or other components and classified NdFeB pots, SmCo pots, AlNiCo pots, hard Ferrite pots. This magnetic assemblies usually are use for positioning jigs, work holding fixtures, catches and latches, insert into jigs and fixtures for holding pot magnets feature a cylindrical permanent magnet housed in a steel "pot" or case. They have only one surface of magnetic attraction. The north and south poles are on the same plane. Because the gap between the poles is narrow, they have a shallow flux field, which makes these magnets best suited for gripping applications on smooth, thin surfaces. Supplied with a threaded hole to increase their flexibility in use.This type of construction prevents further spread of magnetic field. Due to this, other items or machine parts in the vicinity of the pot magnets do not become magnetized. Depending on the usage, pot magnets are of different size, shape and width. Different types of pot magnets functions in different temperature. However they give same result in the normal temperature.


The permanent pot magnets must not be exposed to radioactive radiations for longer duration as it might effect their magnetic strength.

This can work within permissible temperature. If these magnets are used beyond permissible temperature limit it might again affect their magnetic strength. 

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