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Guide to Choosing and Using a Lawn Mower

Lawn mowers come in such a variety of sizes, types, and price ranges that you should do some careful research before purchasing one. There are a whole range of things to consider, such as the kind and size of your lawn, what you can afford, how long the lawn mower will last, and even your mechanical abilities -- all lawn mowers need some maintenance.

Job is a mulching or reel lawn mower because they both leave finer clippings than regular rotary mowers. We talk more about this in the lawnmower section. It is a myth that grass clippings cause thatch. However, if you already have thatch, you'll want to collect your clippings until you have solved the problem because clippings can make it worse.

The best fertilizer for your lawn is an organic fertilizer with a ration of approximately N-P-K: 3-1-2 (3 % nitrogen, 1% phosphorous, and 2% potassium). Follow directions when applying any kind of fertilizer. As an alternative, organic fish emulsion or compost tea will be a healthy treat for your lawn because they both add live microforms to your soil. You can find fish emulsion at your local gardening center, but may have to purchase compost tea on the Internet or make your own. Compost tea is water that has been soaked in compost.

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